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Green Campus Features

Santa Rosa Campus Green Features

Bailey Field
Green Building Design Intent & Materials
EnergyRecovery Ventilation - Enthalpy Wheel
Irrigation Controls
Oak Preservation
In-ground Source Heat Pumps
Maintaining Our Heritage
Oak Nursery
Burdo Culinary Arts Center
Heritage Oaks
Electric Carts
Bike Lockers
Rideshare Parking
Artificial Turf
Water Conservation
Weather Station
Energy Management System
Landscape Design
Integrated Pest Management
Thermal Energy Storage
District Photovoltaic System:
PSTC, Plover, Doyle and Lounibos
PV Kiosk
Tele/Video Conferencing
Mechanical Design (Plover & Race)


Sustainable Buildings

All of SRJC’s newly constructed buildings incorporate sustainable design, technologies, and materials.Sustainability begins with the architectural design utilizing various features, such as day lighting. Emerging green technologies are incorporated when feasible. One example is the Bertolini Student Center’s energy recovery ventilation (enthalpy wheel) working with a Ground Source Heat Pump system (148 - 6” diameter wells, each about 300’ deep) under Burbank Circl,e creating a very efficient heated and cooled facility.

Materials have up to 100 percent recycled content, ranging from new carpets and upholstery to counter laminates and wall coverings that are made from recycled wood byproducts. Vinyl flooring made from all natural linoleum components like linseed oil, jute, and cork. Interior finishes have minimal volatile organic compounds to avoid off-gassing. Even the glues used to secure flooring, laminates, and wall coverings are water based, as are the floor finishing products. The pitched roofs are concrete tile without petroleum content, and exterior finishes are brick, plaster, and concrete.

Energy conservation continues to be a priority, such as the recent installation of interior lighting motion sensors in nine classroom buildings and replacement of every boiler in the District that is over 20 years old with new, highly efficient modular boilers. Also, replacement and update of the 24 year old computerized energy management system (EMS) which controls the HVAC systems in all buildings with a new and much more efficient and effective system is nearing completion.

Oak Tree Protection Program

A good example of how much SRJC values our Heritage Oaks is the great effort that was made to save and protect four heritage Valley Oak trees during the construction of the Bertollini Student Center. Tree protection zones were established, contractors were required to follow a list of specific tree protection procedures, and trained staff and consultants were used to assess and monitor tree health throughout the entire duration of construction. SRJC has developed a comprehensive Oak tree protection program that promotes tree health and safety. Part of this plan is the ongoing five-year maintenance plan and health assessment. In addition, as part of SRJC’s commitment to preserving its Heritage trees, the College did not remove a large Valley Oak from Bailey field, which is believed to be the only tree that is located on a football playing field in the country.


Oak Tree Nursery

More than ten years ago, the Grounds crew planted acorns collected from the local population of Valley Oaks to serve as a future source of trees for the Santa Rosa Campus. Today at least 30 of these oaks have been moved to various locations on campus, as well as to the Petaluma Campus. One of the primary reasons for this was to be able to use our local population of oaks with their unique genetic adaptation for our climate, soil, and environment that are found only here.


Maxicom Central Control System

In the Bertolini Center and at other college sites, state-of-the-art computer controlled irrigation control systems are used, called Maxicom. The system programs watering schedules each day based on prevailing weather conditions, irrigation method, and plant and soil type, to maximize irrigation efficiency.



Recycling in Outside Bins

There are over 90 outdoor recycling bins and clusters located across the Santa Rosa Campus. The recycling team collects about three tons of CRV beverage containers each year from the bins, which are made from recycled plastic bottles. Twenty five percent of the revenue from recycling CRV supports Associated Students programs.

Recycling from the Cafeteria

College cafeteria and food service areas apply many recycling activities. The Associated Student club Students for Sustainabilit’ have put together some informative displays to help students and staff increase their level of recycling.

Recycling & Composting

The Grounds Department developed an extensive green waste composting program of plant materials generated through their operations. All grass clippings and much of the leaf litter is left to compost in place. Leaf litter from college roadways and parking areas, as well as small branches and trimmings are transported back to the Facilities yard and are processed in a large 60-80 yard compost pile. This material is then reused and large branches are chipped into mulch.

Recycling & Construction Debris

As part of SRJC’s construction specifications, contractors are required to process all recyclable materials generated during construction projects. During the demolition of the Doyle cafeteria, more than 80 percent of material from the building was taken to recycling and regeneration facilities to be remade into new building materials. For the past 15 years benches made with 100 percent recycled materials have been purchased, a college standard. SRJC has also used other products made with recycled materials, such as plastic lumber for decking, trash and recycling bins, and a wide variety of paper products.

Inside Recycling

SRJC provides recycling services for offices and common areas across all college sites. The recycling team processes between 130 and 150 tons of paper and cardboard each year. In addition, books and magazines are recycled, as well as scrap metal, certain plastic materials and wood waste, computers and other e-waste, appliances, toner and ink-jet cartridges, and batteries from all buildings.

Bailey Track

The polyurethane rubber surface of the Bailey track is partially made of recycled material, and future resurfacing will include a higher percentage of recycled materials.



A 280 KW Cogeneration System at Quinn

This system supplies the hot water for heating the pools and for space heating for the Quinn, Tauzer, Maggini, Barnett, and Bailey buildings. The system also provides chilled water for air conditioning in Maggini and Bailey. As a by-product of the hot water production, the turbines in the engines generate electricity for the grid.



Fleet vehicles are replaced when feasible with hybrid vehicles. There are a large number of electric carts being used by Maintenance, Grounds, Warehouse, Information Technology, and Graphics.



With recent new additions, there are over 600 bicycle racks in place. A Bay Area Air Quality Management District grant allowed the addition of nine secure BikeLink storage units with electronic locks.


Irrigation System

Many of the control components of the college’s Central Control irrigation system are located across the playing fields in the Facilities Operations yard. In the Grounds Operations office, the primary computer controls watering on the Petaluma Campus, Windsor Training Center, and portions of the Santa Rosa Campus. There’s also a rain gauge on the shop roof that provides input for our Santa Rosa Campus scheduling. At the Petaluma Campus, the primary weather station provides data to the central computer daily, which is used for water scheduling on-site. Central control irrigation typically saves between 20 and 40 percent in water usage (compared to standard irrigation control). The College recently removed a large amount of water thirsty turf and replaced it with a six acre artificial turf field, which cut overall water use for irrigation by about 20 percent on the Santa Rosa Campus. The field is made of crushed recycled tires, sand, and nylon plastic fiber that can be recycled at the end of its lifespan.


Landscape Design

Low Water Use Planting

The Grounds Department continues to convert landscaped areas to more water efficient plantings using native California plants and other selections from dry summer regions throughout the world.

Drip irrigation

In addition to efforts to use drought tolerant plantings, the Grounds crew has installed low water use drip irrigation in many areas on campus.


Sustainable Initiatives

Cooling Buildings

The air-conditioning system in Doyle Library utilizes a thermal energy storage (TES), which runs at night, making ice while the electricity cost is low at night. During day-time peak hours the water is circulated through the ice and back into the building to provide cooling at a fraction of the cost of a conventional A/C system. This type of load shedding is a major focus of PG&E because it reduces the company’s need to build new plants.

Under Floor Air Conditioning

During the Plover renovation, an Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) system was designed, distributing conditioned air under a raised floor system, allowing the heating and cooling of the buildings to be limited to only the lower seven feet. This European technology is gaining widespread acceptance in the U.S, and SRJC is one of the first colleges to use such a system.

Solar Energy

SRJC’s photovoltaic initiative has installed 110 kW on the roof of Lounibos, and 213 kW parking cover at the Public Safety Training Center in Windsor, which produces 100 percent of the site’s electrical needs. There are 146 kW on the roof of Plover and 48 kW on the Doyle Library.


Integrated Pest Management

Grounds Operations

To reduce the use of pesticides, SRJC’s Grounds Department has developed an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy in all of their pest control operations. Pesticides are only used when pest species reach moderate to severe levels in specific areas or plant material. The College treats less than one percent of the insect pest outbreaks on ornamental plants. If a pesticide is used, the least toxic chemical is used for control. Other components include the use of mulch to prevent weeds; creating good habitats for our beneficial insects; the use of plants that are resistant to pests; monitoring irrigation to reduce pest and diseases. IPM is a part of every aspect of college operations.

Pest Control Contractors

SRJC contracts with a company that uses virtually no pesticides in its operations, providing an extensive trapping station network for rodent control on the Santa Rosa and Petaluma campus. For ant control the safest bio controls are used that are active only for campus pest ant species.


Petaluma Campus Green Features

Sustainable Building Design Intent & Materials
Wind Factor Adjustment
Energy Efficient HVAC Systems
Emphasis on Natural Lighting
Programmable Lighting Control System
Unconditioned Hallways Air Space
Glass Stairwells
Natural Lighting; PE and Mahoney
Central Control Irrigation
Management System
Electric Vehicles
Bio-degradable Cleaners
Recycle Program
Nontoxic Pest Management
Energy Efficient Boilers
Evaporative Coolers
Capri Creek
Wind Protection/Enclosed Arcade
Lighting Upgrades


Sustainable Design

The construction of Phase II facilities at the Petaluma Campus were designed with sustainability, occupant comfort, and energy efficiency in mind. Capacity for over 90 bicycles have been strategically placed at the parameters of the Petaluma Campus to provide green transportation options for students and staff.


Wind Factor Adjustments

When designing Phase II, models of the proposed buildings were constructed and tested in laboratory wind tunnels. As a result, building configurations were adjusted to provide sheltered outdoor environments without sacrificing solar accessibility to outdoor spaces and the main quad, Rotary Plaza.


Cost-Saving HVAC Systems

A majority of Phase II buildings use a unique under floor air distribution system for the heating, air conditioning, and ventilation. This natural convection cooling system produces a more comfortable supply of air temperatures, resulting in 20 percent savings.


Emphasis on Natural Lighting

Reliance on indoor artificial light was reduced with the design of increased solar access, via the use of light flows over roof lines into 11 clerestories, and the use of non reflective glass in large public areas. The design maximizes the use of daylight, while introducing shading devices that improve occupant comfort and reduce glare.


Programmable Lighting Control System (Watt Stopper)

This provides a cost savings through the use of multiple programming features, including time scheduling, sweep off, and weekend and holiday programming features.


Phase II Buildings

Richard W. Call Administrative Building

  • Unconditioned hallway air space reduces the energy load needed to condition our work spaces
  • Glass stairwells reflect natural lighting into the hallways
  • Conference rooms throughout the campus with teleconferencing capabilities reduce the need for staff to travel between campuses

 Physical Education Building

  • Two clerestories and high wall window design in this facility provide 100 percent of its daytime lighting needs through the use of natural lighting

 Mahoney Library

  • Natural lighting design also provides a large amount of natural lighting.
  • Under floor distribution HVAC system


Facilities Operations

Grounds Department

  • Mulching of planting beds to reduce the use of herbicides and water
  • Composting of leaf waste, to reduce our green waste sent to the landfill
  • Tree trimmings are chipped into mulch and reapplied on site
  • Central Control Irrigation Management System (Maxicom) uses our weather station to monitor weather and atmospheric conditions, to provide well-watered plant material using a minimal amount of water.
  • Bioswale plantings were strategically placed in sloping areas, and in two storm water retention ponds that were positioned to catch, filter, and slow storm water runoff, therefore reducing sediment to help protect Capri Creek
  • The Grounds Department uses its two electric carts to reduce energy consumption.
  • Wind protection improvement was achieved with the installation of the enclosed arcade at the front of the original entrance of the campus
  • Lighting upgrades with T-8 and energy efficient electronic ballast in remodeled areas.
  • Light sensors to turn off lights when not needed


Capri Creek

A focal point of many class projects have not only improved the habitat along Capri Creek, but have provided a unique learning environment for Biology, Natural Science, and Environmental Science classes. There is no doubt that this area of the Petaluma Campus is far richer in its diversity of wildlife and beauty because of this effort. As plantings mature and new areas are restored, the Capri Creek watershed will continue to provide a unique environment for study and enjoyment.



The Custodial Department utilizes best cleaning practices along with the proactive use of Green Seal certified, eco friendly products. Including neutral pH cleaners, recycled paper products, and green certified hand wash. The Custodial Department comes equipped with one electric vehicle.


Recycle Program

Four single stream recycle bins that provide four yards each for recyclable materials removes up to 1,600 yards of recycled material annually from the campus. Interior collection of this waste requires approximately 75 classroom recycle receptacles, and 80 office and work area receptacles emptied daily. View a PDF about what to recycle andwhat is recyclable in Sonoma County.

Exterior collection utilizes 21 exterior recycle locations; each has three separate containers to collect glass, can, and plastic beverage containers. This operation helps support the college’s recycle program.


Pest Management

SRJC’s Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM) focuses on prevention and non-toxic strategies to eliminate unnecessary pesticide use. The plan involves the five following principals:

  1. Prevention - Monitor for pests by inspecting sites; eliminate structural conditions that encourage pests; encourage good sanitation
  2. Mechanical controls - Use of tools and devices, such as lice combs, glue traps, snap traps, and vacuum cleaners to trap and/or kill pests
  3. Biological controls - Take advantage of nature’s predator/prey relationships. Microscopic parasites, predacious insects, and synthetic pheromones are all possible tools.
  4. Chemical controls - Non-toxic or low toxic sprays can kill insects and their nests. Nonvolatile baits and other low toxicity pesticides are used before more dangerous pesticides are considered. Spot treatments or crack and crevice treatments are always more effective than broadcast spraying of pesticides.
  5. Education - SRJC’s staff, students, and residents can take part in preventing pests.


Energy Efficient Tactics

Three energy efficient boilers provide all Phase II buildings with heat that allow staged firing of the units as increased demand is needed, which saves energy and costly starting and stopping of a single unit.

Six evaporative coolers across the campus utilize high-efficiency heat exchangers that can efficiently bring in higher volumes of fresh, outdoor air while exhausting a like amount of stale, polluted air. The air is exchanged while recovering significant heat energy from the exhaust air stream and transferring only the heat energy to the supply air, thus tempering the incoming air while having 70 to 85 percent sensible energy recovery effectiveness. These evaporative cooling systems greatly reduce the need for mechanical cooling and heating, saving energy and natural resources. Variable speed drive motors used throughout the campus adjust their speed, depending on demand use less energy. The Energy Management System (EMS) is computer automated to provide higher efficiency. Access SRJC’s Energy Management Strategies and Energy Policy and SRJC’s sustainability initiative, VIII Integrated Environmental Planning.